February 16, 2024: Attorney General Tells Held and Hines to Cease and Desist; Tells Drivers to Contact & Only Trust Rust Consulting & NYTWA About Settlement

Attorney General Letitia James has sent Held and Hines lawfirm a CEASE AND DESIST LETTER regarding the $328 Million Attorney General settlement with Uber and Lyft over the wage theft complaint filed by NYTWA in 2015. The AG is ordering Held and Hines to stop all solicitation related to the settlement, take down their website about the settlement, give a list of drivers who signed retainers to the AG, and void retainers already signed.

Attorney General James, says: "Uber and Lyft drivers should only trust settlement information from my office, settlement administrator Rust Consulting, and the New York Taxi Workers Alliance."

The AG continues:  "The OAG warns drivers to beware of anyone who offers to help file a claim for the Uber and Lyft settlements. Instead, drivers can contact Rust or NYTWA for assistance and more information.

• Rust (Uber): 1-800-625-2332 | info@ubernyagsettlement.com | UberNYAGSettlement.com  

• Rust (Lyft): 1-800-433-5314 | info@lyftnyagsettlement.com | LyftNYAGSettlement.com

• NYTWA: 718-706-9892 | media@nytwa.org

The OAG thanks NYTWA for bringing this matter to the Labor Bureau and for their ongoing partnership in defending the rights of New York rideshare drivers."

See whole release and the letter here: https://ag.ny.gov/press-release/2024/attorney-general-james-warns-law-firm-immediately-stop-trying-profit-uber-and