United to Win: Our July 31st Day of Action!
On July 31st NYTWA members from all sectors rallied together outside City Hall!
With less than 24-hours notice, many of our yellow taxi, green cab, livery, black car, and App-based members stood alongside our allies from SEIU 32BJ, Fast Food Justice, ALIGN, New York Immigration Coalition, Desis Rising Up & Moving (DRUM) and National Employment Law Project (NELP) to tell City Council: Pass the Cap! Put the People Before Uber's Profits! Council Members Steve Levin (who introduced the cap bill), Brad Lander, and Helen Rosenthal addressed the crowd to say they stand with drivers!
DRivers and allies gather outside city hall to say, "City council, we need a cap now!"
hector figueroa, president of seiu 32bj - and seiu 32bj members - stood in solidarity with drivers outside city hall!
After our rally, members came together at the union office that night to strategize and mobilize!
Members packed our office to hear the latest update on City Council bills and to strategize towards victory on August 8th!!!
Official Meeting End Time: 3:15 AM. We're fired up and ready to win on August 8th!!!
Council Bills being proposed:
* Cap on new FHV cars for 12 months with exception for wheel chair accessible cars and authority to TLC to issue licenses based on service needs
* TLC authority to regulate App minimum pay for App drivers and App passenger fares
* Creation of a new corporate license and TLC rulebook for the App companies
* The Council also announced plans to introduce a bill to put a cap on FHV car vehicle financing and rental leases and to set up a health fund for all drivers.
Our organizing brought the bills to the table! Our organizing can win the laws! After we lost the fight in 2015, Uber cut the fare and flooded the streets. That political victory for Uber, Lyft & Wall Street was the start of our crushing crisis. Six of our brothers have taken their own lives. Thousands faced bankruptcy and evictions. We are united to fight back! Now, Uber is facing more regulations for first time. Together, We Can Win!