Vigil and Community Gathering Tomorrow to Honor Brother Fausto Luna

NYTWA is organizing a vigil and community outreach on Sunday, October 7th in honor of Fausto Luna.  Below is our statement on Brother Luna:

Our hearts are with the loved ones of brother Fausto Luna. To our brothers and sisters in crisis we know change can't come fast enough but change is coming and it will get better. To the public we ask that you open your hearts to the working men and women who have fallen into despair because of a business model of low pay, saturation and predatory lending spread across the globe by Uber and company leading to driver deaths by suicide in Australia, Taiwan, India, South Africa and NYC. Every city needs to take a deeper look at what happens when you let Wall Street backed corporations use billions of dollars in capital to lock workers into a prison of poverty. 

Vigil and Community Gathering
To Honor Brother Fausto Luna
Tomorrow: Sunday, October 7th
Start at 175th St and Fort Washington

We will be doing driver to driver outreach in the community following our vigil. Brother Luna is the seventh NYC driver, the first App driver, and the third Dominican driver to die by suicide in recent months. Stand together for hope and help.